The 4 Key Advantages of Aluminium Windows and Doors

Are you building a new home or looking to upgrade your current windows and doors? With so many styles and materials available on the market it can be confusing to work out which is the best option for you. At Open Windows and Doors, we offer a complete range of architecturally-designed commercial and residential products [...]

By |2023-06-14T08:54:47+00:00February 26th, 2020|Doors, Windows|1 Comment

BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) – A Guide to Windows & Doors in Bushfire Prone Areas

According to latest statistics, it is estimated that nearly 1 million addresses in Australia are located less than 100 metres from bushland, putting them at the highest risk from bushfires. While many homes are lost in bushfires each year, the risk of losing your home to a bushfire isn’t just from the fire front itself, [...]

By |2023-06-14T08:59:53+00:00May 10th, 2019|Doors, Windows|0 Comments

Are Aluminium Windows and Doors an Energy Efficient Option for Your Home?

With rising power costs and an increased awareness of the environmental impacts of generating electricity, it’s no surprise we are all conscious of investing in energy efficient solutions in every aspect of our lives, the home being number one. Windows and doors play a key role in the energy efficiency of a home so here [...]

By |2023-06-14T09:00:15+00:00March 27th, 2019|Doors, Windows|0 Comments
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